Flitwick Lower School

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Admission Arrangements

Children are admitted into school in accordance with the Central Bedfordshire admission guidelines. The published admissions number for September 2024/25 is 60.

Parents are sent admission booklets and forms directly from the Local Authority (LA) during the year preceding entry into Foundation. These booklets give full details of how to apply, the LA’s admissions policy for community schools and the deadlines which must be met.
Children applying for places on a “casual” basis, for example when moving into the area, have to follow the LA guidelines. School staff will explain this process and give you the appropriate forms.
If the number of places in a particular year group at the school is not sufficient to meet the requests of all the parents, the LA will then apply the following criteria in rank order, as shown, to determine how the places will be allocated.

1.All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’.
2.Pupils living in the catchment with siblings at the school.
3.Pupils living in the catchment area.
4.Other children with siblings at the school.
5.Children who live nearest the school determined by straight line distance from the school site to the child’s home address.

In any situation where the application of the above criteria has to be applied the final offer of a place will be decided by the Local Authority.

If a pupil moves into the catchments area outside the normal admissions round there will be NO guarantee of a place at the catchments area school if this would mean exceeding the ‘designated’ intake number.

As Governors of Flitwick Lower School we are very keen to work in partnership with parents to help you through this important stage of your child’s education – if you have any queries or would appreciate further advice please do not hesitate in contacting the school on:

(01525) 755444 and we will do our best to help.


Find more information on the Central Bedfordshire Admissions site: Admissions Central Bedfordshire