Flitwick Lower School

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The Governing Body is a non-paid group made up of parents, the Head Teacher, school staff, local authority nominated representatives and other members of the community, local government and business, who have the best interests of the school at heart. Our role as Governors is to work with everyone involved in the education of the children at our school in order to enable every child to fulfil his or her potential.

Along with the staff, we help to set objectives for the school and monitor standards of learning. We also ensure that school has the facilities to provide a good education for our children.


If you would like to contact us please send an email through to the school email and we will contact you as soon as possible.  flitwicklower@gmail.com


We are a 'Critical Friend'

Our Governors 



Governor Designation

Rachel Shield Chair of Governors Co opted Governor
Co opted Governor
Jon Hurcombe  Health and Safety LA Governor
Maureen Gilmore Co opted Governor
Vacancy Co opted Governor
Chris Munns Safeguarding Parent Governor
Ann Little SEND Parent Governor
Amy Toinko Parent Governor
Charlotte Game Vice Chair  Parent Governor
Nikki Milward Staff Governor Staff Governor
Joanna New Head Teacher 


Governor Attendance Information 21-22

Governance Structure and Committees 22-23

Governor Attendance 22-23

Governor Pen Portraits