Flitwick Lower School

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Equality In School

What is Equality and Diversity?

Equality and diversity, or multiculturalism, is the idea of promoting and accepting the differences between people. More specifically, equality is about ensuring individuals are treated fairly and equally, no matter their race, gender, age, disability, religion or sexual orientation. Diversity is about recognising and respecting these differences to create an all-inclusive atmosphere.

Promoting equality and diversity at Flitwick Lower School is essential for both teachers and pupils. The aim is to create a whole school environment where all pupils can thrive together and understand that individual characteristics make people unique and not ‘different’ in a negative way.

How can equality and multiculturalism be promoted at school?

Promoting equality and diversity in school need not be a challenge and is something that all children should be familiar with from an early age. This means:

  • Setting clear rules in regard to how people should be treated.
  • Challenging any negative attitudes.
  • Treating all staff and students fairly and equally.
  • Creating an all-inclusive culture for staff and pupils.
  • Avoiding stereotypes in examples and resources.
  • Using resources with multicultural themes.
  • Actively promoting multiculturalism in lessons.
  • Planning lessons that reflect the diversity of the classroom.
  • Ensuring all pupils have equal access to opportunities and participation.
  • Making sure that learning materials do not discriminate against anyone and are adapted where necessary, e.g. large print or audio tape format.
  • Using a variety of teaching methods.
  • Using a variety of assessment methods.
  • Ensuring policies and procedures don’t discriminate against anyone

Single Equality Scheme and Policy

DDA Plan 22-24