Flitwick Lower School

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We know that just like everyone can have physical health, we all have mental health too.

At Fliwtick Lower we strive to ensure that all children and staff feel supported in their mental health. We do this through a number of different ways. 
  • We are a storm break school  
  • We are a Values based school where relationships and respect are paramount
  • We all have a Network Hand of people who we can talk to
  • Our adults and children all use a well-being scale to support them
  • We learn how to use 'mindfulness' to calm down
  • We are an ELSA school 

We have an overarching well-being policy that outlines how Flitwick Lower supports children's mental health 

Positive mental health and well-being .pdf

We have mental health first aid aiders in school: 

Mrs New, Mrs Milward 

We also have a Mental Health Governor:

Mrs Stenhouse 

Links to support Well-being..

Where to get information and support for support on specific mental health needs

Anxiety UK www.anxietyuk.org.uk

OCD UK www.ocduk.org

Depression Alliance  www.depressoinalliance.org

Eating Disorders www.b-eat.co.uk  and www.inourhands.com

National Self-Harm Network www.nshn.co.uk  www.selfharm.co.uk

Suicidal thoughts Prevention of young suicide UK – PAPYRUS:  www.papyrus-uk.org

 For general information and support


champions young people’s mental health and wellbeing


advice and support on mental health problem

 www.minded.org.uk  (e-learning)

 www.time-to-change.org.uk   tackles the stigma of mental health


challenges attitudes towards mental health