We know that just like everyone can have physical health, we all have mental health too.
- We are a storm break school
- We are a Values based school where relationships and respect are paramount
- We all have a Network Hand of people who we can talk to
- Our adults and children all use a well-being scale to support them
- We learn how to use 'mindfulness' to calm down
- We are an ELSA school
We have an overarching well-being policy that outlines how Flitwick Lower supports children's mental health
Positive mental health and well-being .pdf
We have mental health first aid aiders in school:
Mrs New, Mrs Milward
We also have a Mental Health Governor:
Mrs Stenhouse
Links to support Well-being..
Where to get information and support for support on specific mental health needs
Anxiety UK www.anxietyuk.org.uk
OCD UK www.ocduk.org
Depression Alliance www.depressoinalliance.org
Eating Disorders www.b-eat.co.uk and www.inourhands.com
National Self-Harm Network www.nshn.co.uk www.selfharm.co.uk
Suicidal thoughts Prevention of young suicide UK – PAPYRUS: www.papyrus-uk.org
For general information and support
champions young people’s mental health and wellbeing
advice and support on mental health problem
www.minded.org.uk (e-learning)
www.time-to-change.org.uk tackles the stigma of mental health
challenges attitudes towards mental health