Flitwick Lower School

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Literacy Curriculum


At Flitwick Lower School, children participate in high-quality communication, language and literacy development designed to promote and enhance their learning.

In reading, we support the children in developing both their word reading and their comprehension skills in order to enable them to become effective readers. Our intent is to produce competent readers who read with fluency as well as understand the text they are reading which they are able to use across the curriculum. In addition to this, we encourage children to develop a real pleasure for reading so that they can discover more about the world around them.

In writing, our intent is to support children in developing their writing through the five key skills – transcription (spelling and handwriting), composition (articulating sentences and structuring them), vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. Our creative curriculum is designed to generate interest and excitement around topics that children can relate to, making writing meaningful and enjoyable.

Our Intent in the early years is to strive to foster a love of literacy for all children which is why reading is at the heart of our curriculum. We understand the significance of sharing high quality, rich texts in developing children’s vocabulary, comprehension and language skills and we encourage children to immerse themselves in the joy of reading.



Children take part in a wide range of activities and experiences to develop their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills including drama, role play and discussion. Children are encouraged to share their opinions, question each other, explain their thinking and debate their views. This allows them to develop their own ideas and explore those of their peers. Children enjoy working in pairs, small groups and whole class situations to further improve their literacy skills.

In Early years, children are provided with a language-rich, inspiring environment as we believe this is integral in developing the key skills that underpin early reading and writing. We offer lots of opportunity for discussion around books and stories as well as role play scenarios to deepen understanding and strengthen vocabulary. Children visit the library every week to encourage them to read for pleasure. Through reading, children are able to deepen their emotional intelligence and empathy.

Early reading begins with the teaching of phonics on a daily basis in Foundation and Year 1 as well as on a small group basis in year 2 and above. This supports the children in recognising their sounds in order to segment and blend words, as well as learn to read key words that are not decodable. Phonics is taught using a multi-sensory, interactive approach with a mixture of different resources and teaching styles including THRASS. The intent is to engage and motivate the children to help them to develop their phonic knowledge to enable them to become fluent, confident readers.

Across the school children participate daily in a whole class guided reading session where each day focuses on specific area of learning based around vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and sequencing. Children also a range of other reading opportunities including 1:1 reading, comprehension activities, visits to the library and story time. The intent is to encourage children to read and enjoy books in order to developing a lifelong love of reading.

To develop writing skills, we plan activities across a range of genres to provide the children with a broad spectrum of writing styles. We use the ‘Write Stuff’ structure which allows children to enjoy experiences linked to their writing enabling them to add depth and understanding to their work. Grammar and spelling is taught discretely as well as being embedded in all lessons. Children are taught to spell using the ‘No Nonsense’ spelling scheme and they also have access to ‘Spelling Shed’ to further practise their spellings in an interactive and engaging manner. Vocabulary is a key focus area at Flitwick Lower School; it is part of the weekly whole-class guided reading session and is threaded through all areas of the curriculum which is reinforced through high-quality modelling; as well as having a ‘Word of the Week’. Children are taught handwriting skills initially through developing fine motor skills before practising letter formation in order to learn to join their letters.

Reading and Writing is continually assessed and monitored in a number of different ways including regular book reviews by the SLT and the curriculum groups, formative assessment using classroom monitor, termly analysis, lesson observations, pupil progress meetings, pupil interviews, moderation and statutory assessments.



At Flitwick Lower school we equip our children, not only with the skills and understanding of literacy, but to a genuine desire and passion for reading and writing.

Children are confident in speaking and listening and enjoy the opportunity to participate in class discussions, role play and performances. They learn to read aloud with accuracy, fluency and expression and show great joy for the texts they read.

High expectations of all children in writing ensure that work is of a high quality. Interesting topics, well-chosen texts and exciting experiences allows children to participate in writing tasks which are meaningful and enjoyable while allowing them the autonomy to apply their own ideas.