Foundation Information Page
Hello and welcome to Foundation at Flitwick Lower School. We are Turtles and Dolphins, and we love to learn through our environment and experiences. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage and work towards reaching the Early Learning Goals at the end of the Foundation Year. We are blessed with a spacious outdoor environment which allows for rich, purposeful play and self-directed learning. We take part in whole class learning, group work and child-initiated learning. Our learning is captured through photographs, videos and observations that allow staff to identify personalised learning opportunities and plan for possible next steps.
EYFS statutory framework is the government document for all independent and school based early years settings.
When children start in reception they will participate in the reception baseline assessment (RBA). This is a nation wide assessment that is set by the Government and must be completed within the first 6 weeks of starting school.
Please see the leaflet below for more information